Wednesday, April 05, 2006

that's it, i'm moving.

From today's New York Times:

BOSTON, April 4 — Massachusetts is poised to become the first state to provide nearly universal health care coverage with a bill passed overwhelmingly by the legislature Tuesday that Gov.
Mitt Romney says he will sign.

The bill does what health experts say no other state has been able to do: provide a mechanism for all of its citizens to obtain health insurance. It accomplishes that in a way that experts say combines methods and proposals from across the political spectrum, apportioning the cost among businesses, individuals and the government.

Universal health care AND gay marriage? Fuck this Minnesota shit, I want to move to Massachusetts! They're the only rational state in the union these days. AND I wouldn't have to deal with visa issues a la Canada.

Besides, I hear it's quite lovely there in the fall.


Richie said...

Ooh, I wanna move there too! And, if my folks retire to New England as planned, think how close we'll be to Effie!

Elizabeth said...


Your parents intend to move? But what about your glorious beach house? What about the OC? Can you just cast that off you like so much dried sand on your leg after you go swimming? I think not, sugar, I think not.

Wait, I can put an offer on the house: $5. That's my net worth, babycakes, so you'll be taking me for all I have.

I would LOVE to be near Effie. Think about it - white wine and lazy evening conversations. God, heaven.

Richie said...

Oh, the beach house is forever -- my sister and I, having just returned from Venice where we visited Peg Guggenheim's museum-house along the Grand C -- where Peg's buried in the sculpture garden along with her "babies" -- have decided to convert the OC manor into a similar shrine when we've all left -- the "move" then exists only as a freckled theory my folks are fermenting for their retirement. Will they ever retire? I can't imagine it, in truth: neither one plays golf, they despise pets (with the chirruping exception of Herr Bird), and have not yet been able to tolerate a leisurely state of idle for more than 56 minutes total. Perhaps I should retire for them -- construct the New England cottage they have dreamt-up, and hire a nurse to tend to me. I have grown ever so tired, after all, of having to walk all the way down the hall to use the bathroom...